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Raider Bands


Here you will find the descriptions of each ensemble that students are able to join.


Raider Bands


Symphonic Band -  This ensemble consists of 7th and 8th grade students who have shown dedication and proficency on their instrument. To be a member of this premier ensemble each student will go through an audition process. These students will perform in and around our community. Being an advanced ensemble these students also attend many field trips. For example, the Raider Symphonic Band was awarded the rating of Excellent at the Carowinds Festival of Music in 2014 and at the Eastern District MPA in 2015.   





















8th Grade Band - This group consists of all 8th grade band students. They rehearse each day for 45 minutes during their 2nd elective block.  Each student in this ensemble has two previous years of experience playing their instrument and many of these students are involved in the Symphonic Band. These students perform at PTA meetings as well as take field trips to Caswell Developmental Center and to our local elementary schools.















7th Grade Band - This intermediate ensemble consists of all 7th grade students. These students rehearse everyday for 45 minutes during their 2nd elective block. These students perform on PTA meetings and are encouraged to audition for the Symphonic Band.





















6th Grade Band - This beginning ensemble includes all 6th grade students who are enrolled in the band class. They rehearse during each school day for 45 minutes. These students spend the beginning of the fall semester learning the fundamentals of reading music. Once they have a foundation of musical knowledge they begin learning to play their instrument. These students will perform on our spring PTA concert.



















© 2013 by Woodington Middle School Music . 

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